Monday, September 10, 2012

Apple Kugel

Have you heard of the Secret Recipe Club? It's this fun idea where members are assigned a blog of another member, and get to choose one recipe from that assigned blog to make and post about all on the same day. And no one knows who has whose blog until the posting date. Thus... secret!

I heard about this club a while ago, and instantly wanted to join.  So I immediately set about working on my blog, making as many improvements as I could, and I applied. But the wait list was lllllloooooonnnnnnggggg.

I almost gave up hope, to be honest.

Until last month! I got the exciting message that they were working down their waiting list and that I was now a member! Hooray!

I eagerly awaited my first assignment, and when it came, I couldn't wait to check it out.  I was assigned Bizzy Bakes, which is a really great blog chock full of delicious looking recipes!!

Seriously, every single time I checked her blog, I found more recipes that I wanted to try.

So I finally just had to choose... and the recipe that I kept coming back to me was one for Apple Kugel.  I had always thought of kugels as noodle puddings, so this noodle-less kugel intrigued me, and I just knew that it would be my choice.

The stars of this recipe are the fruits - and veggie.  Apples (I used two gala and two fuji), a carrot and dried cranberries.

All that fresh goodness is shredded, chopped and combined.

In a separate bowl, you mix together a batter. I made a couple of minor changes to the recipe as it was posted... instead of one cup of white sugar, I used a half a cup of white and a half a cup of light brown sugar.

The other change that I made involved the wet ingredients - the recipe calls for 3/4 cup of oil. To up the apple-ness (that's a word, right??), I substituted 1/4 of a cup of applesauce in place of 1/4 of a cup of that oil.

Then the batter is mixed up, and the fruit (and veggie) is folded in, and the whole thing is poured into a sprayed baking dish.

And then it bakes! And turns beautiful and golden and smells delicious.

We served this as a side dish to roasted chicken, and it was absolutely delicious. Seriously, daddy and little miss thought that I'd put a scoop of dessert on their dinner plates. And they both had seconds.

And little miss may have had another piece for breakfast the next morning...

I will definitely be making this one again, and can't wait to try more recipes from Bizzy Bakes!

Apple Kugel
(only slightly adapted from Bizzy Bakes)

4 -5 apples, peeled, cored and cubed
1 carrot, peeled and shredded
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 cup all  purpose flour
1/2 cup grandulated sugar
1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup applesauce
juice of 1 lime (or 1 teaspoon lemon juice)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 eggs, beaten
Ground cinnamon to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray 1 1/2 quart casserole or 8 inch square baking pan with non-stick cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, combine apples, carrots and cranberries.  Set aside.
In a separate bowl, mix together flour, cinnamon, sugars, baking powder, oil, apple sauce, lime (or lemon) juice, vanilla extract and eggs. Mix together until well combined.
Add apple, carrot and cranberry mixture to prepared batter.  Mix well.
Pour into prepared pan.  (If you would like, sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top. I didn't do it this time, but I will definitely try it next time!)
Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees until golden on top.
Serve warm or hot.


To check out more of the deliciousness from Secret Recipe Club members, check these out!


  1. Welcome to SRC! I had to wait a while to get in, too! :-) Love the kugel!

  2. Hi, Thanks for your kind comments. I am glad you made the kugel. It is one of my favorites. I think, it is very wise to split the sugar and I have to do that, next time, I make it. I am glad to have found your blog and I am honored, you cooked from mine.

  3. No waaaaay! Two kugels in one SRC, haha. Check mine out if you please.

  4. Your kugel looks and sounds wonderful and welcome to the SRC!

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my group 'A' SRC entry: Fried Green Tomatoes.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  5. That's one great looking kugel, and just in time for Rosh Hashanah.

    Welcome to SRC!

  6. hi, whether it's a dessert or side dish, this sounds absolutely delicious!

  7. It sounds lovely. I think I'd have it as a dessert though!

  8. This looks so good! Welcome to the club!

  9. YUM! I have been wanting to make this for a while now! I definitely need to make it after seeing how delicious yours turned out! Awesome job, Shelley! And welcome to the SRC!!!

  10. Fabulous looking kugel---love the two types of apples with the sweet dried cranberries. Excellent choice

  11. I just pinned your awesome recipe! Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
    Miz Helen

  12. This looks delicious. I am not sure I've ever had a kugel, I should give this a try. Perfect for the fall season.

  13. my mom used to make noodle kugal but this sounds amazing too. thanks for sharing

  14. What a great recipe for Fall. I've only made noodle kugal once and should be making it more. Loved it. Good pick for the post. Welcome to SRC, I'm new this month too. What fun.

  15. You did a GREAT job on your first SRC post. :) I can just see my families faces if I served this to them for supper. "Are you seriously giving us dessert WITH our supper mom"? What a great way of getting them to eat some veggies. :)
