I knew that there were some good meat sales at the one food store closest to us, so we ran there on the way home from my sister's. That's when I saw the ground beef. And it spoke to me. Not literally. I would probably not only have not bought it, but would quite possibly have run from the store had it actually talked... Anyway, of all of the things I saw, ground beef was the one I wanted for tonight. Because we had a LOT of chicken last week. So, knowing we had some really good hoagie rolls at home, I decided we could make meatball parmesean hoagies.
By the time I made it home and put the rest of the groceries away, I had just enough time to throw together the meatballs and get them into the oven. It's a good thing that these come together so quickly! Rolling meatballs is not necessarily my favorite thing to do, and keeping little miss from helping me roll them is sometimes a challenge, but just in time, these were in the oven
Once the meatballs were cooked, it was a simple matter of smothering them with tomato sauce and shredded Italian cheeses, then popping them under the broiler for a minute or two and, viola! Dinner! Not too shabby, considering that I had no clue only an hour and a half before, huh?
This was the perfect quick dinner, and I purposely made a double batch of meatballs, for a completely different meal later on this week. Woohoo! Glad I am back to having a plan!
Yummy! I always double my meatballs too, last week the hubby asked me to triple them, so that I could freeze some for another night (But they never made it to the freezer LOL)