The first order of business today was making sure that we were ready for our after-snow cocoa. Which, of course, meant that we made a batch of marshmallows. And in case you're wondering how a preschooler can help make marshmallows, this is how:
Licking the beater is a very important job.
Once the marshmallows were set, we got down to some serious breakfast business. There's nothing like a snow day for trying out a new, fun breakfast recipe. I happened across this posting for caramelized apple crepes, and today was the perfect day to try them out. I have never made crepes before, and little miss has never had them before, either... but I told her that they were like flat pancakes, and that was all she needed to hear.
These were DELICIOUS. It took me a couple of tries to get the crepes right - not too much batter, the right amount of butter in the pan, the right amount of time... but once I got the swing of it, it went really smoothly. And the
The rest of the day was filled with shoveling, sliding down mountains of snow, cups of hot cocoa (with the marshmallows, of course!) and lots of playing.
We'll see what tomorrow's snow day has in store for us!
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